Libby offers a curated collection of ebooks and audiobooks (and magazines!!) with a focus on quality selections that meet the diverse reading and listening preferences of the Roxbury and broader Morris County community.
PressReader is a newsstand app with access to thousands of newspapers, including many international titles. There are no limits on use!
Hoopla provides immediate access to thousands of ebooks, audiobooks, comics, and music albums all available for mobile and/or desktop use. Due to the always available borrowing model, users may check out up to 10 items per calendar month.
Kanopy is a video-streaming platform dedicated to thoughtful and thought-provoking films. There are over 30,000 films!
Mango Languages is a language learning service. Select from over 70 languages featuring lessons in developing reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.
Brainfuse is a live tutoring online service. Connect with a real person 7 days a week, from 2pm-11pm and get help with any K-12 subject!
Note: in order to use the mobile app, you must first login on the website with you library card. Then create an account by going to Login on the top right, and select Sign Up. The username and password you create here is what you use to sign into the mobile app.